Redd stood in the corner, all-knowing, all-seeing. He had seen this act before actually when some other hotshot rode into town, thinking he could beat the Wisconsin winters. Charlie V did the same thing, hell even Ray said he tried a Milwaukee's Best when he first got here, full of new hope and new promise in a place where there was none. He also listened to Joe Alexander's pleadings for Jennings to join them. He knew it was a stretch for Joe to try and convince Brandon, but he didn't really nowhere else to turn. He wanted someone outside of Jennings immediate circle of friends to provide some outside perspective, but someone young enough to try and talk some sense in him. Jennings, in his bravado and many preseason profiles was a bit lost in the spectacle right now. Redd had that feeling before he walked in, but was hoping Brandon could still be saved.
"You just don't know, you just don't..." Joe went on.
"Joe, it's cool man, it's cool. Brandon is his own man. He'll be alright," Redd said. "Come on, we'll find somebody else. See ya'll."
"See ya Redd. See ya Joe," Jennings said, running his fingers over his hair.
Redd knew the history of the boat. At first, he was skeptical, seeing Ray going out there every night. But it worked for Ray, and Redd knew it was only chance. The way it started was Ray got a phone call in the middle of the night, 2 am or so. The caller identified himself as "Lew" and that he had a secret for him. Lew told Ray about the lake, the boat, the time of day, everything. Lew said Ray could go by himself, but it could be no more than three. Lew said the lake was fickle, very fickle, but he didn't know anyone who got out without doing. So Ray did it, and did it, and finally he was picked. So Ray started going year, after year, after year, until finally Seattle then Boston. Course it took several years to get out.
Redd was like Brandon once, he didn't understand why Ray wanted to go in the boat so bad. But once Redd saw, once he realized, he knew it was his only option. Once Yi got in town, Redd knew it was a bad situation from the start. Redd mentioned it to Yi, and he was intrigued. Once Michael explained the concept, the mystic power of the lake, Yi had to be held back. He wanted to go immediately. The interpreter was even more excited than Yi was.
Last year, Redd thought it was his year. Richard saw what had happened to Yi and Charlie V. wanted in too. They went on the windiest night of the year, the lake had waves, large ones and the three men paddled out. Redd guided, navigated, threatened Charlie V. to put on the life jacket that saved his butt when he flew overboard. They found the buoy, circled it like Ray always instructed and made their way back. In that short time, a new calmness had come over Redd, and he thought he was getting out. But no dice. V found a great deal and Richard's dream came true.
"Timmy D! I'm with Timmy D and Tony P!" Richard galloped around Redd's house, unknowingly slandering everything Redd had built. Redd couldn't believe what was happening, what his career had become.
Michael didn't understand why he was never picked.
"Who else should we get? Who else we gonna get?" Joe asked eagerly, wanting the adventure to begin. Andrew? No, Andrew had no fire and limited skills to get out. Luke and Jodie were just lucky to have jobs. Carlos and Kurt had been here, been there, they didn't believe in any mumbojumbo, just cashed the check and honed opportunities for second careers as a chef and car wash magnate. Their minds had moved on. They needed someone savvy.
"Luc? Would Luc come you think?" Redd asked.
"Yeah, yeah, Luc most definitely would," Joe said. Luc was young, Joe was young. It was the next generation he was trying to save. That's all he had left. Better them than the other Luke or Francisco or Charlie Bell or Gadz.
"Go get 'em. Go get 'im now," Redd said. "Meet you at the marina."
"Yes, we're going, we're going!" Joe sped off in the opposite direction, not wanting to find Redd changing his mind.
That was a problem for Redd these days. He's never sure if he's okay with the anonymity or desires to be the second (and god-forbid third) banana on a championship team. He sees Ron in LA, Vince now in Orlando, Marion in Dallas, even Sheed in Boston and a part of him wants to do the same. Just go down the Hornets on the cheap, put them over the top with some ace shooting and dependable defense. Or maybe the Wizards. Provide a comforting hand to Gil and Caron, while making plans for a parade with Antawn. It all seemed like glamor and glitz, like making the jump from community theater to Broadway. Milwaukee was comfortable and he lived a better life than most. He was uncertain. Maybe that's why he hadn't been picked.
At the marina, Redd found a kayak, slid into the water. He sat down, counted the life jackets, found the oars tucked inside. Everything was in place. Redd was ready to be chosen.
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