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Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge

Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge
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Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge (a novel in 3 Acts) at You Can't Eat the Basketball

September 17, 2016

(Cover art by Todd Whitehead)
Things have really slowed down here at LCB, and I feel kind of bad for that. Posting here is a sentimental affair; aside from black and white marble journals, I’ve written here more often and longer than anywhere else. On the other hand, I’m not sad at all. In the last couple months, I worked to set up You Can’t Eat theBasketball

What is You Can’t Eat the Basketball? I hope it becomes a place for long form projects about basketball and, specifically, the NBA. This past week Mike Langston, Daniel Rowell, Todd Whitehead, and I published the first two acts of Everything That Dunks Must Converge at the new site. (The third act will be published next week and will include contributions from all of us, plus some artwork by Elliot Gerard.)  Anyway, the enthusiasm and creativity of all those individuals made the experience a lot of fun, and I hope YCETB will be able to provide more opportunities like this one in the future, to not only the previously mentioned individuals, but anyone else who wants to create longwinded art about the game of basketball.

And, while I’m at it, I should also thank Josh Spilker, Jason Gallagher, and Ian Levy. A few years ago Josh published an early version of Everything That Dunk’s first act. He helped select and edit a lot of the stories from the extremely rough drafts that appeared at this blog. I’m not sure anyone else, especially at the time, would have dedicated as much time and energy to those early scribblings. Later, Jason posted similar nonsense at ESPN True Hoop’s The Baller Ball, as did Ian Levy in The Hardwood Paroxysm Quarterly.

Sometimes it’s not that something is widely read, but that it’s read at all. After all, many of the most exciting and fun experiences in basketball occur in local parks and driveways, without a clock and with no referees. The intimacy of those pickup games, at least for the participants, mattered as much as anything else, and everything else is just a timeout.

Anyway, thanks, and below are links to Acts One and Two:

(Cover art by Daniel J. Rowell)

Click to access ACT ONE: The 5th Sun. Click to access ACT TWO: Guards of Cronos. ALSO, ACT THREE: Through the backboard will debut sometime the week of September 19th. You can sign up for the You Can't Eat the Basketball newsletter here.

(Cover art by Todd Whitehead)

And, if you've been an LCB reader for a while, Mike and I totally appreciate it. You can find me tweeting @LawnChairBoys most of the time. 


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