ESPN’s John Clayton is reporting owner Al Davis has begun the process of naming a successor to coach Lane Kiffin and will speak to line coach Tom Cable, offensive coordinator Greg Knapp and advance scout Paul Hackett Monday night. Davis has already had interviews in past years regarding the position with James Lofton and Rob Ryan. There is no confirmation that Kiffin has been fired.
I don't really know what to think of all this, as Kiffin was said to be fired weeks ago. So lets go over a couple of scenarios:
- Davis wants to give the head coaching gig to the best coach, so he doesn't have to do this again in the off-season.
- He just wanted to meet with the coaching staff, to get more insight on the team.
- He was lonely and wanted to have dinner with someone, so he invited three people in case one or more turned him down.
- Maybe it was just time for their job evaluations: Al Davis- "Could you go through your typical day here at Alameda?" Tom Cable- Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door--that way Kiffin can't see me, heh--after that I sorta space out for an hour. I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.
I will keep you updated as information comes down the pipe. But one question for you before I go. Who do you think would win in a fight, Al Davis or John Clayton? I'm taking Al.
Clayton, he will use the monsters and ghouls he met while filming the crypt keeper.
September 30, 2008 at 9:28 AMPost a Comment