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Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge

Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge
by Bryan Harvey

Truth & lies in Pixar's 'The Good Dinosaur'

Truth & lies in Pixar's 'The Good Dinosaur'
by Bryan Harvey

A world of child soldiers & cowboys

A world of child soldiers & cowboys
by Bryan Harvey

To their own devices: Pablo Larrain's 'The Club'

To their own devices: Pablo Larrain's 'The Club'
by Bryan Harvey

Super Bowl Week: Peyton Manning on His Developing Humanity

January 29, 2014

P. Manning the day before John Elway revamped him.
In an interview this week, Peyton Manning reflected on where he once was in his career and where he is now, which despite everything he's been through is strangely the same place he was before--the very pinnacle of his sport, in the limelight, a mutual product of hard work and birthright. His answer, however, noted a change in himself that is inverse to everyone else who by smartphone or Google glass has become constantly wired: "Maybe I was a robot early on. Now, maybe I am a little more human." This would be news, but back in 2011, right here on this blog, we already participated in this discourse about Manning's artificial intelligence. In order to time travel back to that initial moment in our archive, click here.


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