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Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge

Read Everything That Dunks Must Converge
by Bryan Harvey

Truth & lies in Pixar's 'The Good Dinosaur'

Truth & lies in Pixar's 'The Good Dinosaur'
by Bryan Harvey

A world of child soldiers & cowboys

A world of child soldiers & cowboys
by Bryan Harvey

To their own devices: Pablo Larrain's 'The Club'

To their own devices: Pablo Larrain's 'The Club'
by Bryan Harvey

Lazy Saturday

July 5, 2008

As I am at the beach waiting for the rain to end, I decided to burn the time here on the computer. While checking the usual blogs, emails, and fantasy baseball teams I found an article from Clay Travis. He made statement that rings true with me.
If you are in your 20s or early 30s and don't have an Oregon Trail story from elementary school, there is a 100 percent chance I have no interest in talking to you.

So I googled Oregon Trail, and found a great website with the game. So, your welcome.

Click Here for the game


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