Yesterday Alex Rodriguez (aka A-Rod aka A-Roid aka A-Fraud aka A-Hole) finally admitted to abusing performance enhancing drugs. He copped to taking it his entire time as a Texas Ranger, from 2001-2003. The time frame seems pretty convenient, since there wasn't a ban on the drugs in Major Leag

ue Baseball at the time. Plus how is anyone going to know he didn't take them all throughout his time spent as a Mariner? There not, so he told you cheated because everyone else was doing it and the huge contract he received put extra pressure on him to succeed expectations. He also took the time to say sorry. How nice right? After the interview aired, multiple analysts and writers were boasting of A-Rod and how great a person he is because he came clean. But he didn't come clean. Sports Illustrated reporter Selena Roberts uncovered the information, cementing the fact that he didn't come clean but instead was caught with his pants down. Does the MSM even know what coming clean actually means? It means admitting your misdeeds and saying your sorry, before you get caught. Alex Rodriguez isn't sorry he did steroids, he is sorry he got caught.
Do you really think he would have copped to his steroid abuse if this information never saw the light of day? Not a chance. He would have kept selling his story that he did it all the right way, the Rodriguez way. He probably would've written a book detailing his insane workouts and the trials and tribulations he went through to become a hall-of-fame caliber player. And we would all have the doubts in the back of our minds, but in the end we would have believed him. We would have put him on a pedestal for being the savior of the steroid era, and he would have gladly taken all the gifts that come with being a hero to sports fans everywhere. He would have taken in all the praise drained upon him without ever having the conscience to tell us the truth. And that is why Alex Rodriguez thinks you and I are idiots.
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