Frank and Chet waited for fifteen minutes and then began to get nervous. As they both began to sweat, Frank said, "Chet, you search the toolshed. I'll search the treeline. Flash this light once if you're in trouble and twice if you find Joe."
"But it's not even dark outside."
"Just flash the light, Chet. I'll see it; I'm a Hardy boy."
The two searched the shoreline for thirty minutes, but all they found were the remnants of a Spanish galleon, whose sails were tattered. After three more minutes, the two drove to the nearest gas station and called the local chief of police. "Can I speak to the police chief (David Kahn)? I'm Frank Hardy, and my brother Joe's been missing for 38 minutes. I think he's been kidnapped by Spanish conquistadors."
The police chief dismissed Frank's story, laughing hysterically, leading Frank to contact his father Fenton Hardy, a world-renowned super sleuth. The minute Fenton Hardy read the telegram he left for the land of ten thousand lakes, stopping briefly at the airport bookstore to purchase the text Hernando Cortes and the Conquest of Mexico.
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