Topps Baseball Cards is putting out a new line of "3-D" baseball cards for 2009. These cards, when held up to a web cam, will project a computer generated character on the monitor, on top of the card that you're holding, and even allow you to play with the player on the screen. Quick fact about Topps: Their goal for this year is to declare bankruptcy while simultaneously ruining all of your childhood memories.
I understand their goal is to try and grab the non-existent attention spans of 7 to 15 year-old boys, but this may have been the dumbest thing they could have done. Why would anyone want to play a baseball game with only one player? Also do these kids not have binders they need to file these players in? The time it takes to meticulously place each player in alphabetical or team order is a long process, and the typical card collecting kid would not want to waste that precious time taking virtual batting practice. Not to mention that any kid with access to a web cam is surely going to have his pick of the litter when it comes to video game systems: i.e. PS3, Wii, X-Box 360. Basically this is about as much of a guaranteed failure as any movie involving Brian Bosworth, but hey check out the video anyways.
NY Times
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