Throughout my research, I learned two things. The first thing I learned is that Mr. Brody goes to a lot of NFL games. Secondly, he always wears the same hat and jacket. At this time, I would like to display the evidence.
Item # 1: Mr. Brody at the Falcons-Chargers game. He was all over the place during this game, as item #2 clearly proves.
Item # 1: Mr. Brody at the Falcons-Chargers game. He was all over the place during this game, as item #2 clearly proves.

Item # 2: Mr. Brody on the sidelines at this past weekends Charger-Falcons game. So how did he manage to get a sideline pass?

Item # 3: Mr. Brody visits the Dawg Pound to watch Cleveland play host to the Titans this past weekend. Can you spot him? Yep, that's him on the right side of the picture.

These are an Epic Win. For Humanity.
August 31, 2009 at 1:54 PMWith these photos (and the dozens to come soon), we can find the answers we seek and quite possibly, the ones we don't.
August 31, 2009 at 2:24 PMPost a Comment